Hogan Profiling

Understanding the impact of personal attributes on leadership effectiveness


We offer one-on-one personalised development programmes for senior people in professional services using the Hogan personality suite of tools.

We can work with your senior people individually to help them recognise and better understand their own strengths, more challenging attributes or ‘shadows’, values and approach to leadership. As a result, they grow in self-awareness and are better able to manage and direct their own behaviour. Very specific action plans are then developed to maximise potential.

Personalised development is particularly useful for newly promoted staff members because it enables them to focus their development and leadership on their own behavioural strengths and ‘shadows’ and to target specific skills which need improvement. It is frequently helpful to assess a management team to facilitate greater effectiveness both as individuals and as a group. By obtaining a snapshot of the group and consequently its impact on organisational culture, improvements and development points can be identified to maximise the effectiveness and cohesiveness of the team.

If you would like to find out more about Hogan Profiling and how it could work for your organisation, please contact us directly.

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