Route to Partner – Recent Key Learnings

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At the end of each programme we ask participants to provide feedback on what they have learned.

Here are the key learnings from some of our most recent Route to Partner programmes.

  • The need to think about my reputation and legacy and how to differentiate myself in the firm
  • Culture permeates everything, how we do things and the way we behave. The sessions gave me much to reflect on
  • I have understood how emotional intelligence is so important if you want to be a good leader
  • I have grown in self-awareness from the programme
  • How to give direct feedback in a constructive way
  • I need to delegate more and I now know how to do it well
  • The client is not always right
  • In business development conversations you must encourage the client to talk not tell them about the firm and what we can do
  • We should demonstrate our abilities by telling anecdotes to our clients not by providing a list of services
  • In client conversations, we should explain the benefits of our services rather than explaining our approach and processes
  • I understand how to more clearly explain our value proposition to a client
  • It is better to provide a good diagnosis than a solution in early client conversations

If you would like to find out more about our Route to Partner programme please click here.